Posts Tagged 'Learning':

Putting Practice

Putting is sending an object into a target. Hmmm. So with that in mind two weeks ago I hung up the putters for a while and got into practicing different sports/games. Here's what I've been up to:

  • Throwing crunched up paper into the bin
  • Darts
  • Shooting hoops (Basketball)
  • Tennis serving
  • Golf putting (ball golf)
  • Carpet bowls

I enjoyed taking a short break and playing other sports. It was a great to be reunited with my putters this morning when I got out putting again. I felt refreshed and positive during the pre-shot routines and visualisation before each shot. I had a really good session, putting with confidence and positivity on every shot. Although I didn't measure the results before and after I know I hit a higher percentage of shots than usual, so I think it has been good for me… the acid test will be how the putting goes in the next tourney!!

In the meantime I'm going to keep up with playing a wider range of sports to develop the winning mentality and the practice of learning skills by modelling excellence in others.



Repetition is the Mother of Skill

A thought for the day: Repetition is the Mother of Skill.

If you want to get good at a particular technique, find a form that works and practice again and again and you will master that skill.

Repetition is the Mother of Skill.

Repetition is the Mother of Skill.