State Management

There is great potential with Disc Sports to develop new skills and understanding in managing ones state of mind. When we deliver Disc Sports coaching sessions in schools we aim to quickly lead a group into a positive state by fully engaging participants and bringing them 'home' to the ‘here and now’. The goal is to channel the energy into a ‘flow state’ where accelerated learning can take place.

So we lead participants into this 'peak' learning state by facilitating activities that achieve a suitable balance between ‘challenge’ and ‘competency’. Here, individuals are successfully using skills that they have already developed to the level of ‘unconscious competence’ while being continually challenged just enough to fully engage and test the conscious mind. This type of experience is often referred to by top sportspeople as being ‘in the zone’ or 'zoned'.

When the conscious and unconscious minds are aligned and positively engaged in this way, the universe allows the 'super-conscious' mind or ‘spiritual realm’ to enter into existence. This is when a player truly let's go and ‘catches the spirit!’

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